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Introducing - Gabriel Flores Serrano - MPA3

MPA3 work

logo final (small).psd.png
MPA3 2021-2022: Welcome

Hi, I'm Gabriel Flores! I like learning about European history, particularly the 1800's-modern times. I play Minecraft in my free time with my friends! I'm in the MPA (Media Production Academy). I'm friendly and easy to get along with!

What is the MPA (Media Production Academy)? The MPA is an academy at RBRHS in which we create and edit videos or pictures. We learn editing skills and use our creative minds to make fun projects (Something I lack in the morning).

MPA3 2021-2022: Quote

September Work

MPA3 Work

Sept. 8 - 20

New Media Production Logo

A new school year, new me! We are no longer IMs but instead we are MPA (Media Production Academy). To accompany the new name change, we also have to make a new logo for the academy! We had to make 4 drafts, and then edit them to be final products. We will all then vote to see which logo would be chosen as the new academy logo. I cam up with, a film cutter, a stool chair, a camera, and someone screaming into the microphone "MPA RBRHS." (Scroll down to see logos)

Sept. 21 - 24

New Personalized Logo

We also had to make new logos. When we first created our logos, that was around 2 years ago. We all aged and now have different interests. As a result, we have to make a new logo as a watermark for future projects. If we wanted to, we could keep our old logo, but I wanted to change mine. Mine is now a little film cut thing with an explosion in the background. (Scroll up to see logo)

Sept. 27 - 29

Updated Website

After almost a month of working (wait its been a month already?) we have to update our websites. We have to add our new MPA logo and our personal logo.

MPA3 2021-2022: CV

New MPA Logo #1

Logo #1.png
MPA3 2021-2022: Image

New MPA Logo #2

Logo #2 (3).png
MPA3 2021-2022: Image

New MPA Logo #3

logo #3 (1).png
MPA3 2021-2022: Image

New MPA Logo #4

Logo #4'.png
MPA3 2021-2022: Image

MPA Work

My Projects

Stop Motion Project

Nov. 23, 2021

We created a 3D scene and made characters. We moved them to form new scenes making a stop motion. My project was a stop motion on the execution of Marshal Michel Ney, Marshal of France, who was being executed for treason by the restoroed Monarchy of France in 1815.

Sandman Clip

Jan. 27, 2022

We took an old animation called "Sandman" from 1992 and we added our own audio and effects to make it our liking. I went for a funny/scary setting. I added some funny effects and I added some scary sounds and even jump scares.

Fairy Tales in real life

March. 28, 2022

In this project, we picked a fairy tale and acted it out with props and our classmates. For this, I chose Puss in Boots. I recreated the old story, not the movie. Overall, it was an alright final product, I wasn't too proud nor upset with it. I liked the VHS effect I added!

MPA3 2021-2022: CV

MPA Work

My Projects

March. 28, 2022

Driving Safe PSA

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month, a month to raising awareness for distracting driving. We made a PSA on the effects of distracting driving and what could happen if you are distracted. I decided to go with drunk driving as my distraction.

May. 20, 2022

Red Carpet PSA

Our biggest project yet, we have chosen something to do with our next project. I decided to go with something game related, but scrapped that idea. I then decided to do a found footage scary video, but also scrapped it. I went with another VHS tape, this time, inspired by some of my favorite spooky stories, rules creepypastas, stories based on where a person find a set of rules to follow, and if they don't, to face the consequences.

June. 13, 2022


Our final project is to update our website. I have already done that! Will update this site next year with brand new projects!

MPA3 2021-2022: CV

Stop Motion Project

My stop motion project is based on the execution of Marshal Michel Ney, Marshal of France. He was being executed for treason by the restored Monarchy of France. I made my own characters and scene. I used a video by Epic History TV on Youtube that went into further detail about the Marshal's life.

MPA3 2021-2022: Video

Sandman Clip

My Sandman Clip has some added funny sound effects and some scary. I mainly focused on funny clips to try to spice up my project. I added a few jump scares, some had gotten me when rewatching my project because I had forgotten they were there.

MPA3 2021-2022: Video

Fairy Tales in Real Life

We had to choose a fairy tale to recreate in real life. I choose Puss in Boots. Looking at it now, I could have done a better job with the editing. I don't know what happened, either I lacked motivation to make it good, or it decided to completely break on me.

MPA3 2021-2022: Video

Driving Safe PSA

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month. For this PSA, we had to raise awareness for distracting driving. I decided to do a drunk driving. I added some facts about drunk driving and how being distracted can cost you, and others a lot more than people think.

MPA3 2021-2022: Video

Red Carpet PSA

Our final major project, we get to decide what to do this time. At first, I decided to go with a game type of PSA. I decided to scrap it. I then decided to go with a found footage thing. I decided to start to write the script, but scrapped it again shortly after. I then went with some type of scary video, based on rules creepypasta, where the protagonist receives strange rules to follow or faced the consequences. I went with a night guard setting, and this guard would be working with things that are not human and follow rules in order to survive.

MPA3 2021-2022: Video
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